We are pleased to see this long-awaited announcement from NIST naming its finalist and fourth-round candidates for PQC standardization. The emergence of standard PQC algorithms will have a major impact on the entire industry.
At Quantropi, our strategy and point of view remains unchanged.
We believe that best-practice organizations should preserve their crypto-agility, as developments continue apace in the form of both quantum computing breakthroughs and evolving quantum cryptographic threats.
That’s why our TrUE quantum-secure QiSpace™ platform includes the MASQ™ suite, which features both Quantropi’s novel PQC algorithms, as well as support for the complete range of eventual NIST PQC standards. So you can choose TrUE quantum security via QiSpace™ MASQ™ today using either our novel high-performance algorithms (and benefit from exceptionally small key sizes and unmatched execution suitable for generating and authenticating large numbers of digital transactions) or you can choose the NIST algorithms we will provide as they become standardized.
The QiSpace™ platform combines your chosen asymmetric encryption algorithms (the “Trust” or “Tr” of “TrUE”) with symmetric encryption (“U” for “Uncertainty”) via QEEP™ and strong random numbers (“E” for “Entropy”) via SEQUR™.

Protect against the immediate threat of Steal Now Crack Later while starting the transition today to permanent post-quantum security with QiSpace™ — the only readily deployable, scalable and lightweight end-to-end solution for TrUE quantum security… forever.