Watch for our soon-to-be-released documentary starring Quantropi, the team, and our ground-breaking quantum-secure encryption solutions.
The quantum threat.
A new, innovative science discovery – quantum mechanics expressed as linear algebra – that results in novel, quantum resistant cryptographic security algorithms able withstand quantum computing attacks.
Translating the science into developing a scalable SaaS platform QiSpace™ – for enterprise clients, governments, and the global developer community at large – providing access to quantum-secure symmetric encryption, quantum-secure asymmetric encryption, and QEaaS (Quantum Entropy as a Service).
A live demonstration of Quantropi’s quantum-secure encryption on IBM’s cloud-enabled quantum computing platform… The Qiskit project.
Plus… experiments and new discoveries in optical data communications security… in partnership with McGill University.
Video Shooting in Progress! Check out some fun behind-the-scenes pics below.

Try QiSpace™ today – free for 60 days. Get access to quantum entropy as a service and quantum-secure symmetric encryption that’s 18x faster than AES-256. Both functions are available via our QiSpace™ platform with this 60-day FREE trial. And both can be easily and rapidly integrated into any new or existing application. So get started today, and stay secure… forever!